A court in Arizona can only listen to a divorce if it has jurisdiction to do so. In the past, the court in the county where the couple resided had exclusive jurisdiction. No other Arizona court could rule on matters involved...
Duty to Provide Financial Support for Children in Arizona Each parent has a duty to provide financial support for minor children. After a divorce, the parent with whom the child lives is entitled to child support from the...
Under URESA, a person living in Arizona can ask the court in another state to enforce an Arizona support order. Does sister-states have the right to modify an Arizona support ruling? In Ibach v. Ibach, 600 P.2d 1370 (Ariz....
In Arizona, the trial court is charged with determining the amount of child support due going forward as well as past child support that is due. Is a child support order void if it does not mention arrears? In Lopez v....
In Arizona, each parent has the legal obligation to provide financial assistance for their children. Does this apply to a boy who fathers a child when he is only 13? In State v. Anonymous, 768 P. 2d 174 (1988) the Arizona...
A parent must be given notice when the other parent registers child support orders from another state in Arizona. Is the other parent bound by the child support arrearages listed in that notice if she fails to object? In...
We want to talk to you about the standard of proof to establish a waiver of past child support in Arizona. A custodial parent can waive her claim to overdue child support. However, the waiver must be proved by clear and...
Due Process and Adequate Notice Requirement to Modify Child Support in Arizona As a parent in Arizona, it’s important to know that the Due Process clause of the constitution guarantees you the right to adequate notice...
In Arizona, parents must provide financial support to their minor children even after the couple divorced. Courts enforce this requirement by requiring one parent to pay a fixed sum to the other monthly. The court orders an...
Arizona law provides numerous ways a court can enforce child support obligations. Some remedies are found in the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act, (URESA). One of these is contempt of court. A court has authority...